Kel Calahan

At First Glance

Kel stands amidst the taller of viera males at just over 6ft with a lean, rather than muscular frame. Between the condition of his hair, the tidiness of his brows and the detail of what makeup he wears; it's clear that he likes to make an effort in looking presentable and doesn't shy away from his somewhat feminine features. His single blind eye sits neatly between either end of the horizontal scar that rendered it such, and it mimics the coordination of its clear seeing yellow twin so well that you could swear both were looking straight at you.


Almost always adorning his scythe across his back, a simple firearm strapped to his left thigh and a dagger sheathed at his right boot; Kel is rarely ever not ready for action. His armour a healthy balance of leather, cloth, chainmail and plate to give him a ratio of protection/flexibility that fits his fighting style perfectly.When he is wearing more casual attire you might spot two necklaces; one being a fairly simple yet very pretty amethyst suspended by a simple black string, while below it on a sturdier silver chain resides his soul stone. He also wears a simple ribbon which is tied around his left wrist like a bracelet.

You May Have Heard... (Hooks)

Kel trained at the Lemures' Guild in Ul'dah where he frequently visits to pick up jobs or receive further tuition. He also makes a habit of checking the bounty board in the Adventurers' Guild, so it's perfectly likely that your character has spotted him walking hither and thither.Any fellow Lemures would surely know him in passing as the student of Phinoux "Fin" Chaunollet, as well as the carrier of the soul stone which once belonged to the late Spardus (surname unknown) - who had been one of the Guild's finest hunters before he perished two cycles ago in the line of duty.


Disclaimer: Everything should be lore-friendly and not pushing any such boundaries. Anything involving how the Lemures' Guild works or how they would train their members is entirely based off my own idea of how it could be run and is not by any means a statement in how it is run. Anything regarding Kel's story aside from what is mentioned in the previous section is known only by a select few.


Hope you like the carrd! <3Walk on up or send a tell if'n ya like, ya boi don't bite ^^I'm open to most forms of RP though I don't tend to agree to combat/random fights unless it's planned as part of a wider thing (such as an actual IC event), anything regarding sexual assault is a definitive no, though "mature" themes are all good so long as all is consensual and respectful.Am also happy to answer any questions about the FC, help with content (what content I've unlocked lel I'm lazy m8) or just hang around OOC and have a laugh!Other than that, thanks for reading! \o/